Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Le Checkpoint de Qalandia...le nouveau terninal est en marche/ Qalandia checkpoint...buliding of the new terminal
Ceux qui connaissent le checkpoint de qalandia verront a quel point les choses sont en train de changer rapidement. le Mur avance ainsi que la construction du Terminal (photo 1 et 4) qui devrait etre en etat de marche dans les prochaines semaines et va encore renforcer l'isolemement de la Cisjordanie. Qalandia est le principal checkpoint de Cisjordanie et separe Ramallah de Jerusalem. De nombreux Palestiniens y perdent des heures entieres et y subissent des humiliations quotidiennes/
Those who know Qalandia checkpoint can see all the changes that have occurred this last year. The Wall continues to be built, now in the other side (picture 4) and also the new terninal is rapidly built and should work in the upcoming months, therefore aggravating the isolation of the West Bank. Qalandia is the main checkpoint of the West Bank and separates Ramallah from Jerusalem. Palestinian people are losing hours and are humiliated there everyday.
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