Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Dimanche 25 septembre. je retourne a Jerusalem, a la frontiere (sans cesse modifiee illegalement et unilateralement par le gouvernement israelien) avec Abu Dis. a cet endroit les habitants de Abu Dis passent pour aller a jerusalem. les soldats surveillent le passage d'une maniere aleatoire. des gens qui avaient la permission de rentrer a jerusalem ont ete refoules ce jour la pour raisons de securite.
le Mur separe ici aussi familles et amis.
la face de Jerusalem est en train d'etre changee sans que personne ne dise rien.
Sunday 45 September, i go back to Jerusalem, to its boundaries (constantly illegally and unilaterally modified by the israeli government) with Abu Dis. at this location, the inhabitants of Abu Dis can sneak into Jerusalem. the Israeli soldoers randomly check them. That day Palestininans that had permits to go to Jerusalem could not go through for "security reasons". Walls here also separates families and friends.
Without anybody saying anything, the face of Jerusalem is being changed everyday.
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