Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Monday, April 17, 2006
(c) Anne Paq/
Samedi 15 Avril 2006
En arrivant vers le camp de refugies de Aida, pres de la Tombe de Rachel qui est devenue une veritable forteresse militaire, j'ai encore eu un choc. un nouveau pan de Mur a ete construit a l endroit ou ils ont prevu de construire une nouvelle colonie, incluant une synagogue. Le camp de refugies est desormais entoure de tous les cotes. les clashes sont presque quotidiens.
Voir aussi les photos et textes dans les blogs precedents.
When I arrived near Aida Refugee camp, next to Rachel's tomb which has become a military fortress, once again i had a shock. A new section of the Wall has been built where the Israeli authorities are planning to build a new colony, including a synagogue. just in the middle of Bethlehem and in the face of the Palestinian refugees. The refugee camp is now totally surrounded and whereever you turn your eyes you will see either the Wall, military soldiers or settlements. Clashes are almost daily.
See also textes and pictures below
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