Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Monday, November 20, 2006
demonstration in Qalandia against what happened in Beit Hanoun (3)
(c) Anne Paq/
Qalandia checkpoint, 19 Novembre 2006
Manifestation contre le massacre perpetué par l'armée israelienne a Beit Hanoun où une majorité de femmes et d'enfants ont été tués.
La manifestation pacifique n'a pas reuni grand monde. quelques personnes au plus faisant face a une dizaine de soldats qui n'ont guere apprecié de se faire asperger de peinture rouge...ils ont alors chargé et mis à terre quelques manifestants. Ils ont ensuite lancé une sound bomb en plein milieu des manifestants ce qui a blessé legerement un activiste.
Lorsque j'ai demandé à un soldat son opinion sur ce qui s"est passé à Gaza, il s'est contenté de me repondre "ce n'est pas mon probleme". Une reponse typique, je fais partie de l'armée mais je ne suis pas responsable de ce que l'armée fait. personne ne semble etre jamais responsable...
Et à Gaza l'offensive militaire continue. Hier encore un homme de 75 ans est décédé des suites de ses blessures. Cette nuit, dans un mouvement sans precedent, des centaines de Palestiniens se sont courageusement massés dans une maison d'un militant afin d'eviter un bombardement. un autre signe que les Palestiniens ne sont pas prets d'abdiquer.
Gaza continue d'etre assailli et tué a petit feu mais surement...en face de nos yeux.
alors que je veux fnir ce message je verifie les nouvelles: l'armée israelienne est de retour à Beit Hanoun. le pire est encore a venir.
Demonstration at Qalandia checkpoint against the massacre in Beit Hanoun perpetuated by the Israeli army which continued to kill civilians in total impunity.
The non-violent demonstration only gathered a few people, a few internationals; Israelis and Palestinians eager to say their horror about what happened in Gaza.
They faced around 10 soldiers. One of them did not appreciate that a demontrator tried to put red paint on his uniform and he started with the other soldiers to charge and violently charged the demonstrators. Some of them fell on the floor. then the demonstrators went further away; and the soldiers threw sound bombs in the middle of the small crowed which resulted in a minor injury. the demonstrators were clearly non-violent and non-threatening.
I asked one of the soldiers what he thinks about what happened to Gaza. He just gave me a so much typical non-answer: " this is not my problem". typical; I am part of the army but i am in no way responsible about what the army does. Nobody seems to be ever responsible. But; in Gaza, even after the Beit Hanoun massacre during which a majority of children and women were killed, the military operations continue. Yesterday a 75-year old man died following his injuries.
Last night in an unprecedent move, hundreds of Palestitinians gathered in a house of a militant to prevent an Israeli bombing. Another sign that the Palestinians are not about to give up.
Gaza continues to be killed, slowly but front of our eyes.
I just checked the news before sending the message. It is announced that this Monday morning the Israeli army is back to Beit Hanoun...the worse is still about to come.
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