Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Monday, January 26, 2009
friends / amis
(c) Anne Paq/, Shufat refugee camp and Aqbat jaber refugee camp jericho, Januaruy 2009.
After all these images of destructions, pain, suffering coming out of Gaza, here are a few images that were supposed to cheer me up. But I cannot stop thinking of the faces of the children of Gaza. how long beforre some smiles will come back to their face? I cannot stop thinking of the images of them, in the hospital with some open wounds and not making any sound, how they can describe how their whole families have been killed without a tear. Why their childhood has been stolen?
Apres toutes ces images de detresse, de destruction, de souffrance qui nous parviennent encore de Gaza, voila quelques sourires d'enfants qui ete censees me remonter le moral, voles lors de formation photo dans la camp de refugies de Shufat et celui de Aqbat Jaber, a Jericho...
mais je ne peux m'empecher de penser a tous ces visages d'enfants de Gaza, qui ne savent plus sourire, qui sont couches a l'hopital avec des plaies beantes et qui gardent un visage impassible, qui ne bronchent pas quand ils racontent comment toute leur famille a ete decimee. Pourquoi leur enfance-a-t-elle ete volee?
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