Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Sunday, May 03, 2009
demo against the Wall in Al Masara / Manif contre le Mur a Al Masara, 01.05.2009
(c) Anne Paq/, Al Masara, 01.05.2009.
uman Rights Report No. 403
Human Rights Summary: Six arrested during non-violent demonstration against the wall in Al-Ma'sara.
Dates of incidents: 1st May 2009
Place: Al-Ma'sara, Bethlehem
Contact details: IWPS withholds this information as a courtesy to those involved. However, we will do our best to furnish you with the information you may require, on request.
Description of Incidents:
Around 50 Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals gathered in al-Ma'sara in a solidarity event to demonstrate against the construction of the Apartheid wall. The demonstration was organized by the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions of the Bethlehem District together with the Popular Committee Against the Wall, in order to mark the International Workers Day.
When the demonstrators arrived, they found around twenty soldiers and five police officers who had placed razor wire in the street in order to deter the demonstration from reaching the site of the apartheid wall. The demonstrators chanted slogans against the wall and the occupation. Then Palestinians attempted to surpass the razor wire and continue the non-violent demonstration further. The soldiers immediately arrested 6 people including an Israeli and an International. Tear gas and sound bombs were then thrown into the demonstrators which resulted in five people needing medical assistance.
The village of Al-Ma'sara has already lost 30% of its land and if the plans to build the wall proceed it will lose another 30%. The land is the major source of employment and income for many families and further annexation of land will also mean an increase in unemployment and destitution. The next planned activity will be tree planting in Artas which will take place next Friday 8th April 2009. For further information please call 0598 305 810.
Report written by: Maria
Date report written on: 1st May 2009
Six personnes (4 Palestiniens, un anglais et un israelien) ont ete arretes lors de la manifestation hebdomadaire au village de al masara, au sud de Bethleem. La manifestation etait dediee aux travailleurs. Quand les manifestants ont avance, marchant avec determination sur le fil barbele que l'armee israelienne avait mis au travers de la route, les soldats ont violemment attaque les manifestants, ont arrete des personnes et ont lance sur la foule des grenades lacrimogenes et des bombes assourdissante. Un des organisateurs de la manifestation, et le maire du village, Mahmoud est revenu pour demander la liberation des palestiniens. Les soldats lui ont saute dessus et l'ont arrete egalement.
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