Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Action against building of the Wall in Al Walaja / Action contre la construction du Mur a Al Walaja, 30.04.2010
(c) Anne Paq/, Al-Walaja, 30.04.2010.
report by AATW:
On Friday, the 30th of May, at around 13:00, aprox. 60 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals gathered in the village of al-Walaja for the demo against the apartheid wall, which is being built there these days while confiscating much of the village's lands, surrounding and excluding it from its connection with Jerusalem. The demo began with a march along the bulldozed roads of the village. While walking, some of the demonstrators took direct action and rolled big rocks back on the road where the wall is planned to be built. After the walk speeches were made, both by locals and supporters from the village of al-Ma'asara. Police was only overseeing the protest from afar.
Manifestation contre le Mur a Al-Walaja. Une centaine d'habitants, joints par des internationaux et israeliens, ont marche vers le site de construction du Mur. Des discours ont ete donnes, et des rochers et pierres ont ete mis sur la route des bulldozers. Des dizaines d'arbres ont ete deja arraches
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