Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gaza under military attack- Day 5, 18 November 2012

What remains of an office of al-Quds Satellite Channel

Inside the Shawa building, which hosts different media agencies
Ruins of a police station in al-Tuffah neighborhood
Rescuers found Nawal Faraj Abdul Aal,53, dead under the rubble of her home demolished after the Israeli forces targetted with missiles the nearby police station
Rescuers carry Nawal Faraj Abdul Aal,53, dead under the rubble of her home

son of Nawal Faraj Abdul Aal
Mother and daughters of Nawal Faraj Abdul Aal
 Legs of  an injured Palestinian with muliple fractures
Fayza Abu Salah, at Al Shifa hospital after she was injured in her eyes, head and arm after her house was hit the day before by three missiles destroying it completely, leaving the inhabitants under the rubble from which they were rescued. 31 civilians were injured
A child in the Intensive Care Unit, Al shifa hospital, waiting to be transferred to Egypt

Khader Haidar al-Zahhar, 20-year-old, at the Intensive care unit in Al Shifa hospital after he sustains serious wounds and his right leg was amputated after the Israeli military bombarded an office of al-Quds Satellite Channel on the 11th floor of Shawa building which hosts differentmedia channels.
Ruins of three buildings consisting of a factory for building equipments and 2 homes, belonging to Al Adad family, in the in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood, Gaza city, The family escaped  after the Israeli army fired three warning rockets which were followed 5 minutes after by an F16 which destroyed the buildings.

Palestinians rescuers digging for survivors under the rubble of the home of the al-Dalou family in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City ,  November 17, 2012.
Eleven Palestinians, including four women and four children, of their family were killed when an Israeli missile destroyed their home.

Palestinians looks up in a building where all the windows have been smashed at Palestinians rescuers digging for survivors under the rubble of the home of the al-Dalou family in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City

Each days brings it lot of horrors. Today was actually the deadliest day since the beginning of the large military attack, and th deadliest day since Operation Cast lead. The level of destruction all over the Gaza Strip is appalling. Bulldozers were working in different places to dig under the rubble to find some bodies. 

The al-Dalou family was almost entirely disseminated, with eleven members, including four women and four children, who were killed when an Israeli missile destroyed their  home in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City on Sunday afternoon. 
The media were clearly targetted with the two towers which host many TV channels and agencies being hit. Seven journalists were involved, one of them had his leg amputated. 

To recap- until now: women, including pregnant women, children, babies have been murdered, mosques and a church have been damaged, as well as several hospitals and schools, graveyard, gouverment civilian buildings and police stations have been targeted, journalists and medics have been targeted and injured. 

Until now we have more than 70 dead and hundreds injured, the vast majority of them civilians.

This is not Israel defending itself, this is Israel attacking with full force a population which has no shelter and no where to escape. The figures speak for themselves.


Chaque jour apporte son lot d'horreurs. Aujourd'hui, c'était la journée la plus meurtrière depuis le début de l'attaque militaire de grande envergure, et la journée la plus meurtrière depuis l'Opération Plomb Durci. Le niveau de destruction dans toute la bande de Gaza est epouvantable. Les Bulldozers ont travaillé dans des endroits différents pour creuser sous les décombres pour trouver des corps.

La  famille
al-Dalou a été presque entièrement dessimeé, avec onze membres, dont quatre femmes et quatre enfants, qui ont été tués lorsqu'un missile israélien a détruit leur maison dans le quartier de Sheikh Radwan de la ville de Gaza dimanche après-midi. Ils ont ete enterres vivants.

Les médias ont été clairement ciblés: les deux tours qui abritent de nombreuses chaînes de télévision et les agences ont ete bombardées. Sept journalistes ont été blessés, l'un d'eux a eu la jambe amputée.

Pour rappel, jusqu'à présent: les femmes, notamment les femmes enceintes, les enfants, les bébés ont été tués, des mosquées et une église ont été endommagés, ainsi que plusieurs hôpitaux et des écoles, cimetières. Des gouverment des bâtiments civils et des postes de police ont été pris pour cibles, ainsi que des journalistes et des secouristes qui ont etes blessés.

Jusqu'à présent, nous avons plus de 70 morts et des centaines de blessés, la grande majorité des civils.

Ce n'est pas Israël qui se défend, c'est Israël qui attaquent de plein fouet une population qui n'a pas d'abri et nulle part où s'échapper. Les chiffres parlent d'eux memes.


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