Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Berlin: demonstration against far-right extremist group Bärgida / Manifestation contre la marche du groupe d'extrême droite Bärgida, 15.6.2015
Photos above: counter-demonstration against the march of the extremist Bärgida (a group that is based on xenophobia and islamophobia, and includes some nazis supporters). Bargida wanted to march through Moabit, a multi-cultural quarter in Berlin. They were prevented by the activists.
Photos above: Bärgida supporters
Photos above: Left-wing activists blocked the street to stop the march by far-right extremists..They were violently pulled away by the German police
At the end the activists protesting the racist march, were far more numerous. The Bargida supporters were only around 100.
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