Al Walaja, arbres detruits a cause de la constrution du Mur, 15/08/2007
Al Walaja, destroyed trees because of the constrution of the Wall, 15/08/2007.
Retour aux manitestations.
Cette semaine j'ai appris que les beaux arbres de Walaja, un village a cote de Bethlehem, sont en train d'etre coupes pour la construction du Mur, et quand on sait combien les arbres sont rares en Palestine, cela fait vraiment mal. Je m'y etais promenee il y a a peine un mois.
Des arbres vieux de deux cent ans qui permettaient aux Palestiniens de souffler un peu.
Je suis allee photographier il y a deux jours les arbres morts, et aujourd'hui je me suis jointe a la manifestation non-violente. Un international a ete arrete, et les soldats ont violemment repousse les manifestants, y compris les cameramans et photographes. Tout cela devant la colonie de Har Gilo qui s'etend de plus en plus, sous la protection des soldats.
Back to demonstrations and the harsh reality of the occupation and colonisation.
This week I heard about the cutting of trees in the village of Wallaja, located not far from Bethlehem. I went there and it was a very painful scene to see. First trees, especially high trees, are not so numerous in Palestine and second, I have been walking around there less than one month ago. I remember how pleasent it was. Palestinians used to go there to breathe a bit and have some nice time outdoors. I found Palestinians collecting the dead wood and blaming the mayor of Cremisan that apparently made a deal with the Israelis about the location of the Wall.
Today i went to the non-violent demonstration in al-Wallaja. One international was arrested (once the demonstration was over and there was no one to prevent it) and the soldiers violently pushed back the demonstrators, as well as the cameramans and photographers. All this in front of the the colony of Har GILO, which expands more and more under the protection of the Israeli soldiers.
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