Sunday, June 28, 2015

Action against Pinkwashing, Berlin, 27.6.2015

 Activist distributes leaflets against Pinkwashing just in front of an Israeli supporter who distributes Israeli flags with rainbow colours

Israeli flags with rainbow colours were distributed all over..but so were the flyers against Pinkwahsing

 The Palestinian and rainbow flags at the top of the Berlin Victory Column!

(c) Anne Paq/, Berlin, 27.6.2015

Great action against Pinkwashing by activists who invited themselves in the Christopher Street Day (CSD) parade in Berlin disrupting Israeli ambassador during his opening speech and displaying banners against pinkwashing . 

Israel cannot instrumentalize the LGBTQI rights and pride marches to present itself as liberal and democratic when oppressing millions of Palestinians including of course the LGBTQI persons.


Très bonne action contre le 'pinkwashing' par des activistes qui se sont invités au défilé du Christopher Street Day (CSD) à Berlin, la grande marche des fiertés, et ont perturbé le discours d'ouverture de l' ambassadeur d'Israël et ont brandi des bannières contre le pinkwashing. Israël ne peut pas instrumentaliser les droits des personnes LGBTQI et les marches des fiertés pour essayer de vanter Israël comme un pays libéral et démocratique alors qu'Israël continue d' opprimer des millions de Palestiniens, y compris bien sûr les personnes LGBTQI  

video of the action:

Monday, June 22, 2015

Action in solidarity with migrants / Action en solidarité avec les migrants, Berlin, 21.6.2015


(c) Anne Paq/, Berlin, 21.6.2015

Activists storm the field in front of the Reichstag today in Berlin to pay tribute to the thousands of migrants who died on their way to Europe and protest against European restrictive migration policies. "Refugees are welcomed here" was one of the strong slogans used during the action.
The march and action include thousands of people. Activists storm the fences around the Reichstag field and dig dozens of symbolic graves.
This action was part of a campaign "die toten kommen" (the dead are coming) which is organized by the Center for Political Beauty, a Berlin-based art activist group. There were actual two reburials of migrants in Berlin the last week.

Les activistes ont fait tomber mes barrières et ont occupé le champ en face du Reichstag à Berlin  pour rendre hommage aux milliers de migrants qui sont morts sur leur chemin vers l'Europe et pour  protester contre les politiques migratoires européennes restrictives . «Les réfugiés sont les bienvenus ici " était l'un des slogans utilisés lors de l'action forte .

Des milliers de personnes ont participé à la marche et action . Des dizaines de tombes symboliques ont été creusées en face du Reichstag sous l'oeil des policiers qui n'ont pas pu arrêter un tel nombre d'activistes déterminés.

 L'action faisait partie d'une campagne « die Toten kommen" ( les morts arrivent ) organisée par le Center for Political Beauty, un groupe activiste de Berlin qui utilise l'art. Il y a eux deux enterrements cette semaine à Berlin de migrants morts dans la Méditerranée.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Berlin: demonstration against far-right extremist group Bärgida / Manifestation contre la marche du groupe d'extrême droite Bärgida, 15.6.2015

Photos above: counter-demonstration against the march of the extremist  Bärgida (a group that is based on xenophobia and islamophobia, and includes some nazis supporters). Bargida wanted to march through Moabit, a multi-cultural quarter in Berlin. They were prevented by the activists.

Photos above: Bärgida supporters

Photos above: Left-wing activists blocked the street to stop the march by far-right extremists..They were violently pulled away by the German police

At the end the activists protesting the racist march, were far more numerous. The Bargida supporters were only around 100.