je suis bien arrivee en Palestine apres un petit mois en Europe.
Ce petit sejour m'a encore montre combien le public ne sait pas ce qui se passe sur le terrain. Aucun probleme a l'aeroport, j'ai eu un petit choc quand meme en retournant a ramallah et en voyant a quel point la construction du nouveau terminal a qalandia a avance. Encore plus de Mur, de tours militaires et le chemin est plus long, j ai donc du traine ma valise dans les pierres sur 300 metres. Enfin voila je cherche a m'installer, je vais chercher un apart a ramallah, en attendant je reste chez une famille palestinienne. Je vais travailler dans une universite palestinienne tout en continuant mes photos et rapports de terrain.
Les sujets a traiter ne manquent pas.alors que beaucoup applaudissent Sharon pour le desengagement de la bande de gaza, un rapport du The National Information Center fait etat que depuis le cessez-le-feu entre Israeliens et Palestiniens en Fevrier 2005:
- 88 palestiniens ont ete tues, 767 blesses and 2115 arretes. Les violations incluent par ailleurs des mauvais traitements aux barrages (checkpoints) et aux ponts de passage dans le Mur, des restrictions aux mouvements de circulation a l'interieur meme des territoires occupes. Des checkpoints ont ete installes 2725 fois et il y a 1434 attaques avec des tirs. 34 776 dunnams de terre ont ete annexes. Les colons ont conduit 432 attaques, comprenant des intrusions dans des maisonsm des attaques contre des ecoliers et des professeurs et des tirs contre des maisons palestiennes adjacentes aux colonies.
La construction du Mur s'accelere, notamment autour de Jerusalem et le nombre de colons en Cisjordanie ne cesse d'augmenter (l'annee passee il y a plus de colons se sont installes en Cisjordanie que le nombre de colons qui a ete retire de Gaza). Une nouvelle colonie a ete prevue au coeur de la vieille ville de Jerusalem, ce qui represente non seulement une violation du droit internationale mais un acte de provocation grave.
Je vous tiens au courant.
Hi everybody, here I am, back to Palestine after one month in Europe. -- There was no problem to enter Israel. The morning of my arrival I was shocked when i saw the changes at Qalandia checkpoint. The new terminal is almost ready. The Wal is now on both sides of teh checkpint and there are more military watchtowers. The way also is longer so I had to walk with my heavy suitcase on a very rocky path for 300 meters. Now i am looking for a flat in Ramallah. in the meantime i stay with a Palestinian family. I will work in a Palestinian university and I will continue also to write reports and takes pictures. The issues are numerous. As everybody praise Sharon for the disengagement from the Gaza Strip,
Since arriving to the ceasefire deal between Israel and the Palestinians on February 8, 2005, Israeli soldiers conducted 12903 violations, 88 residents were killed, 767 were injured, and 2115 residents were arrested.
The violations also include mistreatments at military checkpoint, mistreatment at the gates of the Separation Wall, restrictions on movement of the residents, including restrictions on movement of medical teams.
Dozens of residents were detained and interrogated on border crossings, and were not allowed to leave the country.
Military checkpoints were installed 2725 times during this period, 1434 shooting attacks were carried out, and 34776 Dunams of farmlands were annexed.
Settlers carried out 432 attacks in several Palestinian areas; the attacks included breaking into homes, attacking school children and teacher, especially in Hebron, and fired at residents and homes in the Palestinian areas which are adjacent to the settlements.
The construction of the Wall has speeded up, especially around Jerusalem. Also more settlers in the West Bank have arrived (last year the number of new settlers in the West Bank is greater than the number of the settlers that were removed from the Gaza Strip). A new settlement has been planned at the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, wheich represents not only a blatant violation of international law but also a grace act of provocation.
So continue to follow my blog. I will keep you updated.
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