Monday, October 02, 2006

Manif cont res les Clashes inter-palestinien/ Demonstrations against clashes between Palestinians

Ramallah, 1 October 2006.
(c) Anne Paq/

Si on nous montre les clashs a la television; la grande majorité des Palestiniens sont contre les attaques entre les groupes palestiniens. Hier soir à Ramallah, il y avait une manifestation contre les violences. ce soir il y en aura encore une. en signe de protestations, tous les magasins sont fermés.
Il est difficile de savoir ce qui va se passer, probablement les clashes vont continuer. je ne serais pas surprise si le gouvernement etait dissout tres bientot.

On telelevion, mostly the clashes were shown. but it is important to know that most Palestinians are against these fightings between Palestinian groups. Yesterday there was a demonstration in Ramallah denouncing the violence and calling for unity. tonight there will be another one. shops today were all closed also as a sign of protest.

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