Monday, September 24, 2007

Sweet bitter Ramadan (1)

(c) Anne Paq/, Bethlehem, Friday 21 September 2007.
Ce vendredi, comme le vendredi precedent, les Musulmans de la Cisjordanie n'ont pu se rendre a Jerusalem pour aller prier a Al-Aqsa. A Bethlehem, les quelques soldats israeliens ont repousse avec desinvolture les Palestiniens, essentiellement des femmes et personnes agees, qui pensaient avoir leur chance. Mais ce week end coincidait avec une fete juive, ce qui a provoque bien evidemment un bouclage complet des territoires. Un des soldat que j ai interroge m'a dit de chercher les raisons du bouclage sur internet..un peu court comme explication, je cherche sur l'internet et je ne vois rien qui peut justifier de telles mesures de punitions collectives. Si on veut punir tout un peuple parce que des individus ont tue des civils, alors Tel aviv doit etre aussi bloucle.
.je lui ai aussi demande de reflechir a ce que les Palestiniens allaient penser en rentrant chez eux. est ce que cela va vraiment aider a garantir la securite d'Israel?
That Friday, as the previous one and certainly the next one, the Muslims from the West Bank (and of course all from Gaza!) could not go to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. In Bethlehem, a few Israeli soldiers pushed carelessly away the crowd, essentially women and old people who thought they might have a chance. But this week end was also Jewish holidays, which entailed of course total closure on Palestinian territories. One Israeli soldier to whom I asked how he could explain the fact that they prevented all these people to go to Jerusalem just to pray told me to look at the internet....a little short as an explanation. well i am looking and i cannot see anything to justify such a treatment. if we are talking about punishing a people because some individuals killed civilians then Tel aviv should be under closure too. I asked this soldier what he would think the Palestinians would think after another day of humiliation. was it really getting to help Israeli security?

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