Sunday, November 25, 2012

The day after: demolitions throughout the whole Gaza Strip / le jour d'apres: demolitions et scenes de desolation dans toute la bande de Gaza, 23.11.2012

 Government compound Abu Khadra
 Security compound Saraya
 Destroyed home in  in Al-Zeitoun area, Gaza city

 Street in front of the home of the Abu Zor family whoi lost 3 members, including 2 Children, Eyad Abu Zor, (4 years), Sahr abu Zor, (6 years), Nisma Abu Zor (19 years). Ahed al Qatati (38 years) also was killed in the same airstrike

Mohammad Aid Juma Al Smery who lost two fingers because of a dum dum bullet shot at him by an Israeli soldiers as he approached the border in Al Qarara the first day after the truce

(c) Anne Paq/, Gaza Strip, 23,11,2012.

No time to rest, as I felt it is extremely important to document the extent of the damages. I started to go around and was completely shocked by the devastation. 
 What to say when you see a big hole and we are being told that a home was here?
Many gouvernement buildings have been completely, including most police stations, but also civilian homes, bridges while schools and hospitals have been damaged. Palestinians immediatly started the work of cleaning up, recycling materials etc. bulldozers are already working. 

Who is going to pay for all these damages? International organizations, states (so citizens, i.e. us), but the main responsible will not pay and can already prepare the next offensive. 


Pas le temps de se reposer, car je sensqu'il est extrêmement important de documenter l'étendue des dommages. J'ai commencé à faire le tour et j'ai été complètement choquée par la dévastation.

Que dire quand vous voyez un gros trou et  que quelqu'un vous dit que sa maison était ici?

De nombreux bâtiments publics ont été complètement detruits, y compris la plupart des stations de police, mais aussi des maisons de civils, des ponts tandis que des écoles et hôpitaux ont été endommagés. Les Palestiniens ont commencé immediatement les travaux de nettoyage, recyclage des matériaux, et les bulldozers travaillent déjà.  

Qui va payer pour tous les dommages? Les organisations internationales, les Etats (donc les citoyens, c'est à dire nous), mais le principal responsable ne paiera pas et peut déjà préparer la prochaine offensive.

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