Bethlehem, Saturday 10 February. Derriere pôrtes closes/ Behind closed doors.
Comme je venais de sortir du camp de Aida, je suis tombée sur cette femme palestinienne, sous le choc. Son fils, avec quelques autres, vient d'être apprehendé, ou plutot kidnappé, par les soldats israeliens. ils etaient dans le bus revenant de leur ecole. La mere palestinienne les a vus disparaitre derriere la porte coulissante enormante dans le Mur (derriere se trouve la tombe de Rachel).
Elle tape contre la porte; un soldat repond violemment en Hebreu.
Je m'approche et je regarde sous la porte, je vois plusieurs hommes agenouillés, entourés par des soldats. son fils est-il parmi ces hommes?
Nous crions au soldat situé dans la tour militaire de nous dire ce qui se passe. il nous repond que les jeunes ont été emmenés pour "interrogations" a Gush Etzion, une colonie situé au Sud de Bethlehem. la conversation est terminée.
Le fils de cette femme reviendra-t-il? quand et dans quel etat?
Chaque jour, des Palestiniens sont ainsi kidnappés.
As I was coming out of Aida refugee camp, I was a women walking around, completly oin shock. She explained to me that her son has been taken by the Israeli soldiers. He is only 16 and was coming back from school with the bus. the bus was stopped by the Israeli soldiers and they apprehended some youth and took them in the Rachel's tomb compound. behind the massive Wall.
The Palestinian mother tried to bang at the blue gate. An Israeli soldier aggreesively answered in Hebrew. We could not see him. I looked under the gate and could see several men on their knees and Israeli soldiers around them.
Then we shouted at the soldier in the military tower to explain to us what was going on. He informed us that the youth were taken to Gush Etzion for 'interrogation". This was the end of the explanation. Gush Etzion is a settlement, located south of Bethlehem.
Will her son come back? When and in which state?
Everyday some Palestinians are kidnapped. Just like this.
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