(c) Anne Paq/Activestills.org, Jerusalem, 31.05.2010
the signs read: "siege is terror", and "Bibi, you have blood of activists on your hands"..
In Ramallah, at Qalandia checkpoint, the demonstration was very violently repressed. A young American woman lost her eye after having been shot by a tear gas cannister in her eye.
see the article on
parmi les slogans: "le siege est terreur", et "Bibi (Netanyaou) tu as le sang d'activistes sur tes mains"...
A Ramallah, a Qalandia pres du checkpoint, la manifestation a ete violemment reprimee..une jeune americaine, a la nationalite israelienne, a perdu un oeil apres avoir recu une grenade lacrymogene en pleine figure. voir la nouvelle sur:
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