14 Mars 2006,
les etudiants de Birzeit manifestent contre l'attaque d'une prison palestinienne a Jericho par les forces israeliennes afin d'arreter le leader de PFLP, Saadat.
Les cours ont ete annules, une television a ete branchee dans la cafeteria. une nouvelle fois l actualite nous rattrappe. Un nouveau checkpoint a ete mis entre l universite et Ramallah. cette provocation va peut etre la goutte d eau qui va faire deborder le vase.
Il y a deja des manifestations a Ramallah.
The students from Birzeit were really quick to start demonstrate against the Israeli attack on a Palestinian prison in Jericho to arrest Saadat, the leader of PLFP. All the lectures have been cancelled. A television has been put at the cafeteria. A checkpoint has been put at Surda, between the university and Ramallah. Everybody is waiting to see what will happen but if Sadaat is arrested or even worse killed, then you can expect a lot of trouble for sure
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