Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Screening of voices beyond walls films / projection des films voices beyond walls
القدس من خلال عيون الشباب:
ورشات عمل القصة الرقمية وصناعة الأفلام القصيرة مع الشباب الفلسطيني في القدس.
تموز 23-24، 2009 :: القدس ورام الله
" القدس من خلال عيون الشباب" هو برنامج فريد من الفيديو الرقمي والتصوير الفوتوغرافي و ورشات عمل القصص الرقمية وصناعة الأفلام القصيرة والتي تقوم بها مؤسسة أصوات من خلف الجدران. يدعم البرنامج الشباب الفلسطيني في التعبير عن الهوية الثقافية والشخصية والسرد والرؤى الإبداعية من القدس عاصمة الثقافة العربية في عام 2009.
العرض الأول لـ 6 من الأفلام القصيرة ومعرض للصور الفوتوغرافية
الخميس 23 تموز/ يوليو: 7:00 - 9:00 مساء – معرض للصور * عرض للأفلام والاستقبال
مؤسسة المعمل للفن المعاصر، باب الجديد - البلدة القديمة، القدس
الجمعة 24 يوليو: 5:00 - 6:30 مساء – عرض للأفلام والاستقبال
مسرح وسينماتك القصبة، شارع المستشفى، رام الله
* معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية في المعمل سوف يستمر حتى 15 آب / أغسطس، 2009 وبعد ذلك سيتوجه المعرض المركز الثقافي الفرنسي - الألماني حتى 6 أيلول، 2009. للمزيد من المعلومات عن معرض الصور الرجاء الاتصال مع مؤسسة المعمل: 02.6283457
الرعاة والشركاء في المشروع
البرنامج برعاية: صندوق القدس للثقافة والتنمية الاجتماعية - وحدة القدس، مكتب الرئيس
Youth Visions of Jerusalem:
Short Films & Photography by Palestinian Youth
July 23-24, 2009 :: Jerusalem and Ramallah
“Youth Visions of Jerusalem” is a unique program of digital video, photography and storytelling workshops conducted by Voices Beyond Walls. The program supports Palestinian youth in expressing their cultural identity, personal narratives, and creative visions of Jerusalem, the Arab Cultural Capital in 2009.
World Premiere of 6 Video Shorts and Photography Exhibition
Thursday July 23rd :: 7:00 - 9:00 pm – Exhibition*, Screening and Reception
Al-Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, New Gate, Old City, Jerusalem
Friday July 24th :: 5:00 - 6:30 pm – Video Screening and Photo Slideshow
Al-Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque, Hospital Street, Ramallah, West Bank
* The photo exhibition at Al-Ma’mal continues till August 15th, 2009 after which it will be exhibited at the Franco-German Cultural Center in Ramallah till Sept 6th, 2009. Contact the Al-Ma’mal Foundation for details on the exhibition: 02 6283457
Project Partners and Sponsors
Sponsored by the Jerusalem Fund, Jerusalem Unit, Office of the President
Voices beyond walls workshop day 10/ Continuation des ateliers video- Jour10
Monday, July 13, 2009
Voices beyond walls workshop day 9/ Continuation des ateliers video- Jour 9
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Voices beyond walls workshop day 8/ Continuation des ateliers video- Jour 8
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Protest from Orthodox jews against opening parking on Saturday / Manif des juifs orthodoxes contre l'ouverture d'un parking le samedi

(c) Anne Paq/, Jerusalem, 11.07.2009.
(last picture: an orthodox Jew crawled under a bus to stop it to enter the parking / derniere photo: un juif orthodoxe s'est glisse sous un bus pour l'empecher de rentrer dans le parking)
Haredim clash with police over Shabbat opening of Jerusalem parking lot
By Jonathan Lis, Haaretz Correspondent, and The Associated Press
Tags: Israel News, Shabbat
Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews clashed with police in Jerusalem on Saturday during the latest Haredi demonstration against the Shabbat opening of the Carta parking garage in the capital.
The clash took place in the Haredi neighborhood of Mea Shearim, where police had been deployed to maintain order.
The incident began when hundreds of Haredim gathered Saturday afternoon at the intersection of Shivtei Yisrael and Hanevi'im street, where they demonstrated in front of police who arrived at the scene.
The demonstration turned violent when a number of the protestors hurled stones at policemen and tried to break through police barriers.
Several dozen demonstrators also reached the parking lot, near Jerusalem's Old City, where one protester crawled under the wheels of a bus as it waited to enter. Police dragged out the man, who lay on his back, clutching his festive fur hat to his chest.
Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said he was taken away for questioning.
Several other demonstrators lay down in the street near the lot, trying to block cars from entering. Police seized them by their arms and legs to drag them away.
No one was reported to have been wounded.
Saturday was the third Shabbat in a row that the garage was open by orders of the Jerusalem Municipality to accommodate visitors to the Old City.
Although most senior ultra-Orthodox rabbis and newspapers have abandoned the issue, the extreme Edah Haredit is advocating continued protests, which police do not expect to get out of control.
Voices beyond walls workshop day 7/ Continuation des ateliers video- Jour 7
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Voices beyond walls workshop continues / Continuation des ateliers video
Monday, July 06, 2009
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