Chroniques d'une photographe,specialiste des droits humains en Palestine et ailleurs, Chronicles of a French photographer, specialist in human rights, in Palestine and elsewhere
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday protest in Bethlehem- we walk through the checkpoint! / Marche de protestation pour le dimanche des rameaux a Bethlehem, 28.03.2010

(c) Anne Paq/, Bethlehem, 28.03.2010
see other pictures below/ voir les autres photos dans les post ci-dessous
Israeli Troops Attack Palm Sunday Protest In Bethlehem, Detains 15 Among Them Two Journalists
by Ghassan Bannoura - IMEMC News
Fifteen people among them two journalists were detained by Israeli troops and police officers when they attack a Palm Sunday protest near Bethlehem.
Palestinians along with international and Israeli supporters gathered at the Church on Nativity in Bethlehem city, southern West Bank. The carrying Palm leaves and flags protesters headed towards the gat of the wall separating Bethlehem form Jerusalem city.
People demanded their right of warship. Israeli only allows a limited number of Christian Palestinians permission to reach Jerusalem for the Easter week starting this Sunday.
At the gate of the wall protesters marched forward and managed to pass the military checkpoint there and entered Jerusalem. At the street after the checkpoint troops and police officers attack protesters and detained fifteen people among them a Palestinian and an Israeli journalists.
Also Abbas Zakki, a Fatah high official was among those detained. In total three Israeli activists and one American was among those detained by the Israeli military.
Later soldiers forced people back to the wall and detained all the protesters and journalists between the wall and the gate of the wall until officer opened the gate of the wall and allowed people back to Bethlehem city. Troops used batons and rifle butts to bush people through the gate.
Une marche de la liberté qui se termine mal
Ecrit par Monique Poupon, PNN
Le dimanche 28 mars 2010 n'était pas un jour comme les autres pour les Chrétiens de Palestine : c'était le jour de la fête des rameaux, qui marque le début des célébrations de Pâques, et également la renaissance de la protestation contre le Mur.
BETHLEEM // Ils étaient environ 200 sur le parvis de l'Eglise de la Nativité ce matin, 200 Palestiniens, Israéliens, activistes internationaux et journalistes, réunis pour protester contre les restrictions empêchant les Chrétiens Palestiniens de réaliser leurs rites religieux à Jérusalem durant la période de Pâques. Ils ont donc pris la direction du checkpoint qui sépare Bethléem de Jérusalem dans un cortège mené par des ânes, et brandissant des rameaux d'olivier, dans la direction du Saint Sépulcre à Jérusalem.
Arrivés au checkpoint de Gilo, habituellement usité par les touristes bénéficiant d'une autorisation de passage par les autorités Israéliennes, le début du cortège à réussi à traverser les premières barrières, franchissant 300 mètres de la route de Jérusalem, avant de se faire violemment arrêter par les soldats Israéliens, qui dans la surprise n'ont pas eu le temps de réagir plus tôt.
De nombreuses arrestations ont eu lieu, selon différentes sources de presse environ 15 personnes seraient actuellement gardées par l'armée Israélienne. Parmi ces quinze personnes, un membre du Comité Central du Fatah, Abbas Zaki, un membre du Bureau Régional du Fatah, Marwan Farajeh, ont été transférés à un hôpital Israélien du fait de blessures dues aux affrontements qui ont eu lieu sur place. Parmi les autres détenus ont été reconnus Ahmad Al-A'za, quatre Israéliens, un Américain, un photographe de l'AFP, du personnel de l'organisation Holy Land Trust ainsi que quatre activistes des Comités Populaires locaux contre le mur et les colonies.
Cet évènement violent marque la relance de la question de la liberté religieuse accordée aux Palestiniens par les autorités Israéliennes, qui marquent une oppression certaine partagée à la fois par les Musulmans et par les Chrétiens vivant en Terre Sainte.
Monique Poupon
Friday, March 26, 2010
demo against the Wall in Al Masara / Manif contre le Mur a Al Masara, 26.03.2010

(c) Anne Paq/, Al Ma'sara, 26.03.2010
Activists face Israeli soldiers during the weekly demonstration against the Wall in Al Ma'sara with pictures of Omar Alaaeddin on 26.03.2010. Omar Alaaeddin, a 25 year-old Palestinian from the village, was arrested by Israeli soldiers on Monday 15th and was released one week later, after having been tortured in jail. Omar was obviously targeted because of his commitment to the popular struggle in Al Ma'asra. The march of the demonstration was stopped by Israeli soldiers who blocked the main entrance and exit of the village by barbwire. After the demonstration, the group visisted Omar to show solidarity.
Les Manifestants confrontent les soldats israéliens au cours de la manifestation hebdomadaire contre le Mur à Al Ma'sara avec des photos d'Omar Alaaeddin le 26/03/2010. Omar Alaaeddin, un etudiant de 25 ans palestiniens du village, a été arrêté par des soldats israéliens le lundi 15 et a été libéré une semaine plus tard, après avoir été torturé en prison. Omar a éte pris pour cible en raison de son engagement en faveur de la lutte populaire à Al Ma'asra. La marche de la manifestation a été arrêtée par les soldats israéliens qui avaient bloqué l'entrée principale et la sortie du village par des barbelés. Après la manifestation, le groupe a visite Omar en solidarité.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Palestinian Organizer Tortured in Israeli Jail / Jeune Palestinien implique dans les manifestations contre le Mur torture par l'armee israelienne

(c) Anne Paq/, 23.03.2010, Beit Jala Hospital
Israeli Troops Release A Community Organizer After Weeklong Detention And Torture
author Tuesday March 23, 2010 17:57author by Ghassan Bannoura - IMEMC News
The Israeli military released on Tuesday at dawn Omer Aladdin from the village of Al Ma’ssara, near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.
Aladdin was detained by Israeli troops last week while passing thought a military checkpoint near Bethlehem city.
Aladdin participates in the weekly anti wall nonviolent protests at the village of Al Ma’sara every Friday. For three years now, Al Ma’sara villagers stage a weekly anti wall protest every Friday.
“ I was on my way to Ramallah city with my classmates to watch a play, soldiers stopped our buss and started to search it. During the search a soldier used very rude words to talk to my classmate, I protested and told him this is not the way to talk to a lady. Later troops took my ID card and forced me out of the bus. They took me aside and started beating me using rifle-butts and batons". Aladdin told IMEMC over the phone.
He added “soldiers refused to allow me medical care after they detained me at the checkpoint. Later they allowed me to see the army doctor, he refused to give me any medical care and told me that I have no health issues, and ignored the fact that I was bleeding from my leg and face.”
Aladdin was detained at a military interrogation center in Jerusalem, he talked about his experience there.
“I was interrogated for six days I, they beat me up, they refused to allow me to wash or change my cloths. It was a very bad experience, I was covered with blood for days.
Aladdin, who suffered an injury to his leg from the beating, was questioned over suspicions of participating in demonstrations and assaulting the soldier who detained him.
Dozens of eyewitnesses who were at the checkpoint at the time of his detention can attest to the fact that it was, in fact, Aladdin who was assaulted. He was finally brought in front of a judge for the first time this Sunday, which was also his first opportunity to see a lawyer, and informed him of the torture.
Aladdin was previously detained by the Israeli army from 2005 to 2009; the military accused him of organizing protests at his University in Hebron city, in the southern part of the West Bank.
Following a short hearing this Sunday, the military judge harshly criticized the prosecution and the police, saying there is no evidence connecting Aladdin to any violence, and ordered his release.
This is the second time this month that an organizer from Al Ma’sara is detained and assaulted at the same checkpoint, known to locals as the “container checkpoint” after Border Police officers recognized them from demonstrations.
On March 2nd, the mayor of Al Ma’sara, Mahmoud Zawahre was detained and beaten on his way to a meeting in Ramallah city.
Aladdin and his lawyers are now considering the option of filing both criminal and civil suites in an attempt to challenge the impunity and in accountability of members of the Israeli armed forces.
Un militant palestinien torturé dans une prison israélienne :
publié le mercredi 24 mars 2010
Mahmoud Zwahra
Omar Alaaeddin du village de AlMa’sara a été arrêté au Container Checkpoint lundi 15 mars par les gardes frontières. Il a été relâché contre caution après une semaine sans aucune charge retenue contre lui. Alaaeddin rapporte qu’il a été torturé dans la prison israélienne "Russian Compound Jail" à Jérusalem.
Omar Alaaeddin, qui est engagé dans l’organisation des manifestations hebdomadaires non violentes à Al Ma’sara (au Sud de Bethléem), a été arrêté alors qu’il revenait de Ramallah avec un groupe d’étudiants et de professeurs d’université. Le groupe avait été à Ramallah voir une pièce de théâtre. Alaaeddin a été battu à plusieurs reprises, par les soldats qui l’ont arrêté, puis à la prison à Jérusalem. Il raconte qu’il a subi coups de pieds et de poings, et même chocs électriques avec un taser, par les soldats et les geôliers.
Alaaeddin, qui souffre d’une blessure à la jambe suite aux coups, a été interrogé sur l’accusation d’avoir agressé le soldat qui l’a arrêté, en participant aux manifestations. Des dizaines de témoins oculaires qui étaient au check point lors de l’arrestation peuvent témoigner qu’en fait, c’est Alaaeddin qui a été agressé. Il n’a été finalement présenté à un juge qu’après une semaine, ce fut aussi la première possibilité de voir un avocat et de l’informer des tortures.
Après une courte audience, le juge critiqua sévèrement les poursuites et la police, disant qu’il n’y avait aucune évidence d’une quelconque violence, de la part d’Alaaeddin et ordonna sa libération inconditionnelle. Malgré ses blessures, et ses demandes de voir un médecin, Alaaeddin n’a reçu aucun soin pendant sa détention.
C’est la seconde fois ce mois qu’un militant de Al Ma’sara est arrêté et agressé à ce check point par des officiers de la garde frontière qui les ont reconnus pour les avoir vus aux manifestations. Le 2 mars, le maire d’Al Ma’sara, Mahmoud Zwahre, a été arrêté et battu alors qu’il allait à une réunion à Ramallah.
Alaaeddin et ses avocats étudient maintenant la possibilité de poursuivre aussi bien au criminel qu’au civil, pour essayer de contester l’impunité et l’absence de poursuites à l’égard des membres de l’armée israélienne.
Al-Ma’sara village - Bethlehem - Palestine P.O.Box 768
Pour plus de détails : Anne : 00 972599925991
traduction faite par l’association Trièves-Palestine.
Source de l’info : Comité populaire de Résistance non-violente.
Palestinian Organizer Tortured in Israeli Jail / Jeune Palestinien implique dans les manifestations contre le Mur torture par l'armee israelienne

(c) Anne Paq/, 23.03.2010, Beit Jala Hospital
Press Release
23 March 2010
Palestinian Organizer Tortured in Israeli Jail
Omar Alaaeddin from the village of alMa'asara was nabbed from the Container Checkpoint on Sunday the 14th. He was released yesterday with no charges pressed against him. Alaaeddin reports having been tortured in the Israeli Russian Compound Jail in Jerusalem.
Omar Alaaeddin, who is involved in organizing demonstrations in the village of alMa'asra south of Bethlehem, was arrested a week ago on Sunday at the Container Checkpoint, as he was making his way back home from Ramallah, with a group of students and university professors. The groups was in Ramallah to see a theater play. Alaaeddin was beaten repeatedly, both by the soldiers who detained him, and later, in the Israeli Russian Compound jail in Jerusalem. He reports to have been kicked, punched and even electroshocked with a taser by the soldiers and his jailers.
Alaaeddin, who suffered an injury to his leg from the beating, was questioned over an unsubstantiated suspicions of participating in demonstrations and assaulting the soldier who arrested him. Dozens of eyewitnesses who were at the checkpoint at the time of his arrest can attest to the fact that it was, in fact, Alaaeddin who was assaulted. He was finally brought in front of a judge for the first time last Sunday, which was also his first opportunity to see a lawyer and inform him of his torture.
For more details:
Anne +972599925991
Following a short hearing, the judge harshly criticized the prosecution and police, saying there is no evidence connecting Alaaeddin to any violence and ordered his unconditioned release on bail. Despite having been injured and repeatedly having asked to see a physician, Alaaeddin did not receive any medical care throughout his detention.
This is the second time this month that an organizers from alMa'asara are detained and assaulted at the container checkpoint after Border Police officers recognized them from demonstrations. On March 2nd, the mayor of alMa'asara, Mahmoud Zwahre was detained and beaten on his way to a meeting in Ramallah.
Alaaeddin and his lawyers are now considering the option of filing both criminal and civil suites in an attempt to challenge the impunity and inaccountability of members of the Israeli armed forces.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Demonstration in Beit Jala / Manifestation a Beit Jala, 21.03.2010

(c) Anne Paq/, Beit Jala, 21.03.2010
A group of Palestinians, Israelis and internationals walked towards the lands of Beit Jala which were bulldozed earlier this month by the Israeli authorities, holding a banner commemorating the death of Rachel Corrie, seven years ago. The group was prevented to reach the lands by Israeli soldiers who closed off the road by barbwire. After speeches, the demonstration ended, followed shortly by tear gas thrown by the Israeli army.
Lors d'une manifestation contre la construction du Mur, un groupe de Palestiniens, d'Israéliens et des internationaux ont marche vers les terres de Beit Jala, qui ont été rasées au début du mois par les autorités israéliennes, tenant une banderole commémorant la mort de Rachel Corrie, une activiste americaine tuee il y a sept ans par un bulldozer israelien a Rafah, Gaza .
Les manifestants ont été empêchés d'atteindre les terres par des soldats israéliens qui ont bloqué la route par des barbelés. Après des discours, la manifestation a pris fin, suivi peu après par les gaz lacrymogènes lancés par l'armée israélienne.
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