(c) Anne Paq
Mercredi 5 Avril 2006.
de la musique contre le Mur. a Abu Dis samedi dernier des palestiniens, israeliens et internationaux ont joue des deux cotes du Mur. un ecran video projete sur le mur permettait de voir ce qui se passait de l'autre cote.
A Ramallah, hier soir c etait l'ouverture du premier festival de danse contemporaine , la salle etait pleine pour voir une performance du groupe LAMADA de danseurs francais dansant sur la musique envoutante de l'oud joue par le trio palestinien Joubran. Un beau moment qui prend une resonnance toute particuliere ici.
de la musique contre les murs, en esperant qu'elle va resonner et etre entendue.
Wedenesday 5 April 2006. Some music and dance against the walls. in Abu Dis last Saturday there was a gathering of Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals that played some music on both sides of the wall, each trying to be heard by the others. A video screen was projected against the Wall that allowed the participants to see each other.
In Ramallah last night, it was the opening of the first Ramallah contemporary dance festival. The Ramallah Cultural Palace was full to see the performance of the French group LAMADA. They danced under the strange and fascinating musci from oud played by the Palestinian trio Joubran. A nice moment that took a particular meaning and echo here.
Some music against the Walls, hoping that it will resonate and be heard.
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