(c) Anne Paq/ tourbillonphoto.com
Photos des Bedouins qui vivent dans la zone autour de Male Adumim. 3000 Bedouins de cette zone vont etre deplacés à cause de la construction du Mur. Ils vont etre deplaces dans une zone insalubre de Abu Dis qui sert de decharge publique. Non seulement l'endroit est insalubre mais l'espace y est tres reduit. Les Bedouins devront abandonner leur elevage et devront vivre dans un veritable bidonville!
Le cas est etudié par la Cour Surpeme israelienne.
Pictures of the Bedouins who live in the area surrounding the settlement of Male Adumim. Some 3000 Bedouins from this area that can only be accessed by 4/4. are about to be displaced because of the construction of the Wall. They will be displaced in the dumping garbage place in Abu Dis which is of course not suitable for human beings. Furthermore the space is very small and the Bedouins will have to abandon their traditional way of living- their sheep. and they will live in slums.
They raised the case to the Israeli Supreme Court.
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